Kent 11+ Worksheets

Free worksheets for all aspects of the Kent 11+ Test

We’ve created free worksheets (complete with answers) to help parents and students with all elements of the Kent 11+ Test. This includes Non-Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, English and Maths. To access them, simply use the links below to go to the subject area that you require then use the download links for the selected worksheet.

The worksheets can also be used for other areas using GL Assessment based tests. In addition, the Maths worksheets can be used as work for students in Year 5 and Year 6.

Non-Verbal Reasoning Worksheets

Non-verbal reasoning is a significant part of the Kent Test. These questions come up on the reasoning paper along with verbal reasoning and are designed to assess students’ pattern recognition skills.

English Worksheets

English is one of the three main sections of the Kent 11+ Test which must be passed. Most of the test is made up of comprehension questions but there are also questions on spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Verbal Reasoning Worksheets

Verbal reasoning is a major part of the Kent Test. These questions come up on the reasoning paper along with non-verbal reasoning and are designed to assess students’ logic, vocabulary and problem solving.