In 2014 the new national curriculum for Maths & English was first started for teaching. This came complete with new SATs tests in Year 2 and in Year 6 to assess student performance.
Not only is the new curriculum greater in difficulty but it’s also greater in the amount of content that is needed to be learnt for each year group. The Maths side, in particular has significant amounts of new content as well as an increased focus on reasoning.
In practical terms this means we can’t just try to work through both the Maths & English curriculum aims for each year group in one hour of tuition per week. It’s simply not possible. The upside is that we don’t have to work through every little aspect.
Over years of teaching and observation, we’ve been able to see the areas of the curriculum that students find challenging – whether the students are working behind, ahead or at an average level.
With all of this in mind, our tuition time is shared more or less evenly between Maths & English with rotations between the two subjects taking place at certain times.
Students in Years 1 to Year 3 spend large amounts of time on devloping their basic numerical skills as well as learning to retrieve information from texts. Students in Years 4 to Year 6 spend more time on other aspects of the curriculum such as fractions and measures whilst moving on to harder aspects of English such as inference and deduction.
For students in Year 2 and in Year 6 we also cover prepration and practice for the SATs tests that they sit at the end of year. On top of this all students can expect to cover a healthy amount of problem solving throughout the year.
Our teaching methodology is tried and tested so you can be sure we’ll get the best out of your child no matter their current working level.